Never misuse these arts or use them for self gain
Never criticize students of other clubs or challenge them to a duel.
Never use any dangerous methods unless within the law.
Never boast or show off in public, but rather show self respect, as well as, respect for others.
Never have fist that will shed innocent blood.
Never say in one house, what you hear in another, and never speak ill of the absent.
Never use any profane language.
Never have feet and hands that are fast and mischievous.
Never deprive any person of his rights by superiority or acts of violence.
Always be humble, sincere, and courteous.
Always be truthful and honest.
Always be very patient in the process of acquiring this powerful knowledge.
Through the knowledge of these arts, let us become physically, mentally, and spiritually strong.
Exert every effort to help and protect our loved ones, our friends, the handicapped and the innocent as well.
Avoid all unnecessary arguments in order to avoid all unnecessary trouble.
Protect the innocent, forgive the ignorant, and tame only the wild. However, let us tame ourselves first before we tame the wild.
Students will learn basic traditional Japanese/Okinawan Karate. We are a traditional Okinawan Karate School teaching the Shorin Ryu Style of Karate. Students will learn the basic requirements of karate that would allow them to progress and be promoted to the higher ranks in karate until they are able to achieve their Black Belt ranking. All students are required to learn the requirements for each rank and perform their ability to do required kata forms, sparring techniques and the karate weapons forms in a test given twice a year.
We do compete in local and National Karate Championship Tournaments and those selected to compete are not required to pay for uniforms, travel or tournament costs.
They will also learn the meaning of our By-Laws and how it applies to them in their everyday life. The By-laws of Confucious is the base of our character development and self-discipline that allows us to better ourselves as a member of the community.