arrives on time;
snacks prior to coming to class;
comes prepared with homework; if no homework – have a book to read; and
​study independently

This time is not to be construed as an extension of school but serve as an afterschool alternative.  We acknowledge that parents and guardians would like their child to complete as much homework as possible within this timeframe and we'll do our best to honor that concern.  Likewise, we also need your assistance to make sure your child:

More than 1,000 students have taken part in Kick Start Karate.  For those that were still with KSK at the time of their graduation, the majority of the students went on to higher education.  

This allows the educators and counselors the maximum amount of time needed to assist your child with completing as much homework as possible without any interruptions or delays. 

GUIDANCE:   6:45 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (immediately following karate in gym)

These lessons are engaging activities that help develop skills, values and relationships.  Students are required to participate in activities such as debates, public speaking, group and collaborative work, problem solving activities, critical thinking exercises, and character development. These activities may range from educational trivia and quizzes to leadership lessons on current events and from reading literature to performing skits to portray a meaningful message. These activities are designed to awaken the student’s attention, enhance their imagination, and allow them to become confident in expressing their opinions.

A portion of these lessons are taken into the dojo every Tuesday and made available for the entire audience including but not limited to students, senseis and parents during the last 15 to 20 minutes of karate class.

Where students may come into a safe and supervised classroom to complete their homework, receive tutoring or work on enrichment activities for an hour.  The classroom is also equipped with laptops and wireless internet access that is accessible to students to increase their academic success.


GUIDANCE - Tuesdays & Thursdays - Classroom A or C



It's the educators goal to use the next hour for:
  • anti-bullying

  • team building

  • problem solving

  • ​character and leadership development